The Chaff Cutter/Grass Cutter/Kutti Machine is a piece of equipment used to cut straw or hay into small pieces before mixing it with other forage and feeding it to cattle. This Chaff Cutter is a must-have machine in agricultural and dairy farming since its primary function is to generate food for livestock utilizing waste materials such as straw, hay, and so on. This machine cuts the materials into fine pieces, which are then combined with other fodder in order to make them suitable for cattle consumption. This technique aids the animals' digestion and prevents them from rejecting any portion of their food. The machine is equipped with a 2 HP motor and consists of 2 cutting blades providing a cutting capacity of 700 kilos per hour making this machine perfectly suitable for carrying out high volume fodder cutting operations.
Durable and providing long life duty.
Maximum care is taken for the safety of the operator while designing the machine.