The Manual Wheel Hoe is a versatile gardening tool designed for various agricultural tasks. It typically consists of a sturdy frame with wheels that allow for easy maneuverability across different types of terrain. The wheel hoe is equipped with attachments that can be interchanged based on the specific needs of the user, making it suitable for tasks such as weeding, cultivating, and planting.
Easy to use
Easy to maintain for all age people
Change attachments for different tasks - The universal toolbar allows you to use a wide variety of attachments for plowing, hilling, etc.
Product Type: Manual Wheel Hoe
Brand: Parasmani Agritech
Weight (Approx.) : 15 kg
Blade Width : 10 Inch (25.4 cm)
Furrow Size : 6 Inch (15.24 cm)
3 Tine Cultivator Size : 10 Inch (25.4 cm)
Hiller Size : 10 Inch (25.4 cm)
Handle Length : 4 feet (121.92 cm)
Material : Iron
Height : Adjustable
Wheel Diameter : 12 Inch (30.48 cm)
Working Depth : 4 Inch (10.16 cm)
Weight : 15 kg (Approx.)
Blade Width : 10 Inch (25.4 cm)
Furrow Size : 6 Inch (15.24 cm)
3 Tine Cultivator Size : 10 Inch (25.4 cm)
Note : Color may vary.
Weeding : Regular use of the weeder blade helps maintain weed-free rows, reducing competition for nutrients and water among crops. This manual method also minimizes reliance on chemical herbicides.
Soil Preparation : Before planting, farmers can use the cultivator to prepare their fields by loosening compacted soil and incorporating organic matter into the topsoil. This preparation enhances seedbed quality.
Planting Operations : With the furrower attachment, farmers can efficiently create planting furrows that facilitate uniform seed placement and irrigation systems installation.
Crop Management : Throughout the growing season, farmers can utilize these tools for ongoing maintenance tasks such as hilling up soil around plants (using the ridger) or re-cultivating between rows to control weeds and improve aeration.
1. Selecting the Appropriate Attachment :
Weeder Blade : Ideal for removing weeds from garden beds.
Furrower : Used for creating furrows for planting seeds.
3 Tine Cultivator : Best for loosening soil and aerating it.
Ridger : Suitable for forming ridges in soil for planting.
Using the Weeder Blade :
Positioning : Stand behind the wheel hoe and push it forward so that the weeder blade is positioned just above the soil surface where weeds are present.
Engaging the Blade : Apply downward pressure on the handles to engage the blade into the soil. Move in a back-and-forth motion to effectively cut through weeds at their roots.
Clearing Weeds : After cutting, pull back to remove weeds from your garden area.
2. Using the Furrower :
Setting Up Furrows : Attach the furrower blade securely to the wheel hoe. Position it at an angle that allows it to dig into the soil as you push forward.
Creating Furrows : Push forward steadily while applying pressure downwards to create straight furrows in rows where seeds will be planted.
3. Using the 3 Tine Cultivator :
Loosening Soil : Attach the 3 tine cultivator and position it over compacted or hard soil areas.
Cultivation Process : Push forward while applying downward pressure; this will allow tines to penetrate and loosen up compacted soil effectively.
4. Using the Ridger :
Forming Ridges : Attach the ridger blade and align it properly with your desired planting rows.
Creating Ridges in Soil : Push forward while applying downward pressure; this will form raised beds or ridges which can help with drainage and seed placement.