V-Hume is an excellent natural and organic way to provide plants and soil with a concentrated dose of essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, Compared to other organic products.
V-Hume acts as a conditioner for the soil and as a bio-catalyst and bio-stimulant for the plant. when a plant’s cells are nourished with V-Hume then those cells begin to produce more plant growth hormones resulting in Good plant growth.
V-Hume chelate nutrient compounds, especially iron, in the soil to a form suitable for plant utilization. Thus, the nutrient supply of plants is optimized. Furthermore, water holding capacity of soils is increased considerable, which means that the use of water can be reduced substantially.
Benefits :
Improves Ph of soil.
Sustainable growth and optimal yield.
Builds a sustainable soil eco system.
Extremely high cation-exchange capacities of the soil and Promotes the conversion of nutrient elements (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other trace elements) into forms available to plants.
Regulates the pH-value of soils by neutralizing both acid and alkaline soil.
Builds organic matter.
Increases water holding capacity of soil and thus helps resist drought.
Reduces the need for Chemical fertilizers.
Reduces the availability of toxic substances in soils.