50 Pcs Insect Lures For Oriental Fruit Moth (Grapholita Molesta)
SKU: SD-PC-2021782
₹1750 (Including GST)
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Short Description
Oriental Fruit Moth Pheromone Lures Recommended for peaches. (Can be use for apricots, plums, almonds, cherries, apples, pears and quinces) Pack of 20 Pcs Made in India
Country of origin: India
50 Pcs Insect Lures For Oriental Fruit Moth (Grapholita Molesta)
Description :
Grapholita molesta, the oriental fruit moth or peach moth, is a moth of the family Tortricidae.The larvae feed on peach, apple, quince, pear, plum, cherry, apricot and nectarine. They are pinkish to creamy-white with brown heads and about 13 mm long. Early in the season, larvae tunnel in tender twigs causing twig die-back. Heavy infestations may give the tree a bushy appearance. Later generations may feed on terminal growth and developing peaches. Larvae attacking the fruit often enter near or through the stem and bore directly into the interior of the fruit. Larger peaches may show no external damage. Fruit damage may cause an increase in the amount of brown rot.
Specification :
Product Type : Pheromone Lures
Brand : PC (Made in India)
Pack : 50 Pcs
Duration of working : 30 days after installation
Application :
Recommended for peaches. (Can be use for apricots, plums, almonds, cherries, apples, pears and quinces)
Recommended trap model Phero-Sensor - SP or Phero-Sensor - BP
How to Use :
ETL for Oriental Fruit Moth (Grapholita Molesta) is 8-10 No’s of moths per trap per day.
Use 8-10 No’s Pheromone Traps per acre. Install within 1-week crop stage to control pest at early stage.
Trap canopy should be placed one feet above crop canopy to achieve optimum catch.