Zimmer Aufraumen 1 Liter Laundry Fragrance Booster Zimmer Aufraumen Laundry Fragrance Booster can be added along with your liquid or powder detergent to give clothes a long-lasting refreshing fragrance. Control the amount of fragrance by increasing or decreasing the dosage of the fragrance booster, It keeps the clothes fragrant and fresh days after wash and ironing. Use it with every wash to get the rid pungent detergent smell.
For hand wash laundry add a cap full in the final rinse of the laundry and soak it for 2-3 minutes and rinse with plain water.
ZA Laundry Fragrance Booster uses top-quality French perfumes and fragrances to make your laundry smell refreshing and lasts a longer duration.
How to Use: Add 1 full cap full of Zimmer Aufraumen Laundry Fragrance Booster for up to one load of laundry in the fabric conditioner compartment of the fully automatic machine.
Brand: Zimmer
Quantity : 1 l
Form : Liquid
Can be used on all clothes like cotton, linen, delicate fabrics, rayon, satin, lycra etc.